Find Friends Who...

Find yourself friends who are well-rounded.

They'll go out with you on a Friday night, and then meet you for brunch the next morning.

They'll complain about the boy they've been seeing, and at the same time call you up at 12 am saying "Okay, I've thought about your problem and this is what I've come up with--"

You'll rant to them about not knowing what to do with your life and career and be on the verge of tears and instead of just nodding their head and half-listening, they call you every day that week to see if you've made a pros/cons list yet.

Friends who pray with you, and go to Church with you.

Get friends who will go to a New Year's Eve party at 10, and then rush over to your house and sleepover because they can't picture starting the new year without you and you weren't allowed to go out, as soon as the clock strikes 12.

Friends who text you every day to see how you're doing.

Friends who when you call them crying on the phone, they're at your house with food or are picking you up for icecream two seconds after you hang up.

Friends who will drive out of their way to pick you up, without being asked, because they want you to go out with them and say that they can't picture the night without you.

Friends who helped pick, edit and arrange your pictures on Instagram and still hype it up in the comments section like it's the first time they saw it.

Friends who feel lucky to have you in their lives, and cry because talking about it makes them emotional.

Friends who bring snacks when you go out because they know you probably didn't eat enough that night.

And then two days later meet up with you at Tim Horton's to study for your upcoming exams.

Find friends who tell you the truth, and have high standards.

Friends who when you tell them you're not doing okay, drop everything to be there for you.

Friends who want to grow and be better versions of themselves--and who want nothing less for you.

Friends who are there at a moment's notice, and it doesn't matter where they are, they'll pick up the phone if you need them.

Friends who if anyone outside of your friend group said anything negative about you, they will put them in their place and defend your name. Friends you can trust.

Friends who can move another state or to another country, and it wouldn't change a THING.
Find yourself friends who can do it all. They exist. I spent years doubting that they did but they really do. And then be the same kind of friend to them.

If you work hard and search vigorously, and make sure you go out of your way for the people in your life and don't keep anyone around who doesn't match your energy, then I promise you won't regret it.

These friends exist. They're my best friends.

And I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have them.

Controlli, per favore!
