The Goddess Complex

She's alluring, she exudes beauty, she's intelligent, and she can do anything and have any man she wants. She's naturally mesmerizing and her confidence wafts off her skin like a sweet perfume. 

She's you. If you believe that she is. 

I came up with The Goddess Complex after finally realizing a historically-proven truth: (straight) men have a fascination with women that is reversely unmatched. And every woman, in her unique and special way, is a walking goddess in her own sense. And owning it means the world is your oyster because you inhabit it knowing that you're the pearl. 

There's another article that I was surprised to find that also refers to this very idea. You can find it here, and I highly recommend it. 

Basically, embracing The Goddess Complex means embracing who you are and approaching the world around you and potential relationships as if everyone already "loves" you, and that you are destined to have everything you could ever want. You should never be pompous or conceited--that's not the point at all, and is actually quite damaging. But instead, rather than being afraid of the world and the criticisms you imagine the people of it may have for you, walk into a room pretending they already adore you. That you are a goddess. And then watch how much easier it is to get what you want out of life. 

Not to mention, as a goddess, you'll never accept less than you deserve. So, it's a win-win. 

Being a goddess is equivalent to being your most confident and self-fulfilled. Don't be afraid of going after what you want, because in your mind you already believe that you have it. The Goddess Complex is really just an approach to Law of Attraction thinking, another idea that I will be discussing on this blog. 

You're a woman of God and a beauty of the world, who was created to make it a better place with every step she takes. You can create life! What greater compliment is there!?

Just a sip for thought.

More on this later..xo

Controlli, per favore!
