No, You Don't Need to 'Glow Up' This Quarantine 

Eating healthy and exercising is a journey that is unique to you and is one that you need to figure out for yourself. You don't need to come out of quarantine smaller, or bigger, or tanner, or dramatically different from how you looked going into it. You don't need to. And even if you may want to, hear me out first:

I'm not saying don't chase after your fitness or appearance goals. But going after these things is a constant battle--it sometimes takes more than just committing to a meal plan and workout routine. You need to be in the right headspace and emotional state...and as human beings, that can change regularly.

What you want to teach yourself in order to achieve your goals, is discipline. Then you also need to find a method and approach to discipline work for you in a unique way that it would. This isn't going to happen overnight, and you're not a failure if it doesn't happen during or isn't achieved by the end of quarantine.

There's a lot of pressure to "glow up" on social media, and a big difference between the timing of this trend and others? Well, right now we're all in a pandemic, and everyone spending so much time at home has many people feeling pressured to reach their goals NOW. But even if you were already hoping to lose those extra few inches by summer anyway, just because you have more time doesn't mean that achieving your goals is going to be easier by default.

Take the time to self-reflect and figure out what's best for you. Educate yourself on proper nutrition and try different ways of being active to get your heart rate up. Take advantage of this time to better learn what works for you. Take care of yourself and work on achieving your goals, but don't think that this time is an all-or-nothing scenario just because you're in quarantine. It takes much longer than just a few weeks to break old habits and build new ones.

Eating well and exercising should only take up small parts of your day--during your three meals and when you throw on your workout clothes. By obsessing over them you're not really solving your problems, but rather may be creating newer ones. In between doing those things, why don't you read a book? Practice a new language? Spend some time with your family and become closer to them? Learn how to draw? Then, when it's lunchtime, you can think about what you're going to eat.

Also, make sure you want to achieve certain goals for the right reasons. If you're trying to change everything about yourself...why? That's not the right mindset to have and achieving the things that you want to isn't going to fix the deeper issues you're dealing with. If you can pinpoint your insecurities and work on them, that will truly be the greatest 'glow up' of all. Working on your confidence, mindset, and path in life is truly the best thing you can do for yourself. Learn to love yourself as you already are, and see how high your quality of life skyrockets. Losing 30 pounds in a month isn't going to have the same effect, trust me.

Be good to yourself. You're worth more than what you give yourself credit for.

Controlli, per favore! 
