Finding Yourself Series: Trying New Things

   I've been on a kind of important journey lately in my life, and it's involved a lot of soul-searching. I've been meditating, contemplating, and journaling. I've been keeping more track of my dreams and watching videos to better understand who I am and what I want from myself. And while all of these things have been important and effective, it's brought me to a point in my journey that I'm happy to have reached: trying new things.

   For years I've had a running list of activities I've wanted to try and things I have wanted to do. Sometimes what kept me from doing these things was money, a lack of people to do these things with, and/or lack of motivation--no matter how much it ultimately bothered me to not pursue them. Well, this week I decided enough was enough. I had things I wanted to do and I was finally going to dedicate myself to doing them. Instead of online shopping and buying my lunch out, I put aside the funds and started investing in activities I had been dreaming to pursue.

   Why do I bring this up? Because by going after the things that piqued my interest, I realized I was essentially making the time to get to know myself better. You don't need to spend large amounts of money or any money at all do what you want to do. Teaching yourself a new skill on YouTube or getting one of your friends to teach you something that they are good at over FaceTime are easy and cost-effective ways to get started on building your interests. Maybe you want to finally be caught up on the news? Turn on BBC and sign up for Associated Press alerts! Want to read more? Pick up a book you've had your eye on. Want to take up meditating? Sit in a quiet place and set a timer. Want to be a runner? Put on your shoes and get to it.

   The more you indulge in your interests, the more you'll become more well-rounded and enjoy life. If you want to find yourself, you need to dig deep and figure out what makes you happy. Trying the things you've always wanted to is the perfect way to start doing that.

   So okay, this is where we start--make a list of all of the things you've always said you wanted to give a try. It doesn't matter if it's "too expensive" or you don't know anyone who would want to do them with you. Set your intentions and make them your goals. Keep them in mind every day, and you'll quickly start to see how much closer you get to pursuing even just one thing on your list.

   Make a vision board and set it as your wallpaper or hang it up in your room. Use appealing images that remind you of how you would feel and what you would want to accomplish. Then anytime you have an opportunity to get closer to reaching your goals--seize it!

   Before you know it, you'll start to feel yourself becoming who you are meant to be. As you try new things and mark them off your list, you'll be confident in your decision as to whether you enjoyed them and if they are for you or not.

My List:

1. Learn to surf
2. Start playing tennis
3. Start skateboarding
4. Start horseback riding
5. Have more traveling adventures

   While you do the things on your list, I'm going to work on mine as well. Leave a comment below to let me know what you plan on finally pursuing!

Check, please!
